UNIT -5(A) HS 2nd YEAR EDUCATION/LESSON NO 5/MEMORY and FORGETTING/স্মৃতি আৰুবিস্মৃতি/Concept Of Forgetting
* Meaning and Processes of memory
* Characteristics of Memory
* Types of Memory
* Marks of Good Memory
* Improvement of memory
* Meaning of Forgetting
* Characteristics of Forgetting
* Causes of Forgetting
1.1 MEANING: The Power that we have to store experience and bring them into the field of consciousness, something after the experience have occurred, is termed as memory
1.2 PROCESSES : Memory today is not regarded as a mental power of individuals as inherited by birth. it is believed to be a mental function or process containing several stages
The stages involved in this process of memory are-
(1) Learning or acquisition of experience.
(2) Retention or Retaining
(3) Recall or Remembering
(4) Recognition
2. Characteristics of Memory
in order to give a more clear Idea regarding what is memory? ,it is necessary to point out some characteristics of memory . A few silent characteristic are mentioned below :
(a) Need of sensory experience: we have five sense in our body. in order to have memory acquiring experience through this sense organs are very essential . Memory cannot take place without the sensory
(b) Retaining Power : Retaining power is necessary for memory. Every individual has retaining power of his/her mind . This helps him /her to store learning and experience. However returning ability is an inherited one and hence limited.
(c) Revival or Reproduction: Memory require extra Reproduction or revival. it means that there should not be any change or distortion of retained facts while making reproduction of past learning and experience.
(d) Role of unconsciousness mind: We have both conscious and unconscious mind. In Reproduction of past experience and learning unconsciousness also plays an important role. Generally it helps in retaining pleasant experience and forgetting the unpleasant one.
(e) Need of Repetition: Repetition is very essential for retaining whatever it learn or acquired. it also has in recalling the stored image correctly and quickly. Lack of repetition induces forgetting.
(f) Need of Good mental health: A disturbed and weak mental condition may make a confused and forgotful. Hence a good mental health is prerequisite for good memory.
(g) Memory a mechanical activity: Some psychologists are of opinion that there is nothing new or creative in process of memory . It is almost a mechanical activity comprising three phase- learning or acquiring experience retaining them and recalling or remembering them when
on the basis of its nature memory is divided into several types. But Bergson the famous psychologist divided memory broadly into two types , They are image memory and habit memory.
(a) Image memory
(b) Habit memory
(c) Long term or Prolonged memory
(d) Short term or immediate memory
(e) Logical memory
(f) Rote memory
(g) Sensory memory
(h) Associative memory
(a) Ability to learn quickly and easily
(b) Long Retention
(c) Accurate and Prompt and Reproduction
(d) Ability to Serve
(a) Favourable Condition which improve remembering
(b) Improved methods which enhance memory
5.1 Favourable Condition which improve remembering
(a) Will to learn: intention to learn. and concentration gives longer retention and better recall.
(b) Interest: interest is an essential condition for effective learning and memorization.
(c) Principal of association: Principle of association is very helpful in remembering and recall
(d) Rhythm: Rhythm is an aid to memory.
(e) Meaningfulness of material: meaningfulness of material is important in effective learning and longer retention
(f) Rest : rest can remove fatigue and boredom.
5.2 Improved Methods:
(a) Recitation : Rishi tension is an important technique to affect economy in memory
(b) Learning by Doing : learning by doing or active learning is obviously superior to passive learning
(c) Repetition and Practice : Repetition and continuous practice which adds to the effective memorization.
(d) Spaced Learning: in psychologically sound to reasonably spaces the learning time by giving some intervals.
forgetting is generally regarded as opposite to memory. Memory means reproducing past learning and experiences. Inability to do so is regard as Forgetting.
a. Forgetting is an unavoidable mental phenomena. inability to recall or remember what has been stored in mind is called forgetting.
b. Forgetting thought unwanted is essential. because it indirectly helps in learning and acquiring experiences.
c. It is a natural mental condition which act as a defence mechanism for our mind.
d.learning is a very often called "judicious forgetting" because forgetting help in removing unnecessary things from mind and make space to retain the essential one.
e. One peculiar characteristic of forgetting is that it is maximum in individual during the initial hours of learning and slow down as time passes.
psychologist have mentioned several causes of forgetting . These maybe primary divided into two groups physical and mental causes
(a) Old age : forgetting is generally more in senior people. aged person are physically and mentally weak. Nervous system of the body along with the brain function generally declined due to age. Hence, old age is an important factor of Forgetting.
(b) Brain Injury : our brain has several region like cerebrum, cerebellum, midbrain , thalamus, medulla oblongata etc. The cerebrum region is primarily responsible for memory work. if that part is injured due to some accident or several ailment, forgetting may occur . This memory lost may be lost long-lasting or temporary
(c) Intoxicant : devasam in toxicating drug of use may cause forgetting.
(d) Lack of Repetition: To keep in mind the process of an activity learnt by us, it's repeatation is very essential. Otherwise Forgetting may occur rapidity.
(a) Learning without interest: lake of interest in learning and retaining image is a very important cause of forgetting. because one who easily forgots those in which he has no interest.
(b) Retro-active-inhibitation : "retroactive inhibition means that something work backwards to blocks something else" these kind of mental blocking happens when two different subjects are learnt without providing any time gap. Thus if one subject is learnt immediately after learning other ,a kind of mental blocking develops, when person tries to remember the first experience the second experience create a shadow and become like an obstacle in recollection of the first .thus retroactive inhibition is an important causes of forgetting.
(c) Repression: Repression means keeping down something by force.
(d) Emotional Turmoil: we have variety of emotion in us ,like, love ,anger , jealous,hatred.etc.sometime due to certain provocative situation a person may suffer from acute emotional disturbance or turmoil. This excessive and uncontrolled emotion may cause forgetting.
(e) Termination of learning process : learning is a very active process, where different mental activity including memory is actively associated. But if there is complete termination of learning process in some particular field, forgetting starts and gradually becomes more active than memory. Hence termination in learning is cause of forgetting.
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